Monday, 2 February 2015

Tarak's Emotional Speech about N-fans in Temper Audio Launch!

All the Tarak fans were mesmerized by the speech given by Tarak at Temper Audio Launch. Every word spoken by him is a priceless gem about his fans. His words made every Tarak fan feel proud of being a Tarakian. This is not to mean other heroes and their fans are not good. Its simply that Tarak has made his fans proud.

The most important thing to note is a fan has made a audio visual showing off his feelings on Tarak, his acting capabilities which many fans supported. Tarak is the best of the lot of present generation actors overall and he should not be confined to only Mass entertainers, which at one point of time, may look monotonous and leads to failures at Boxoffice.

The concern shown by Tarak towards his fan's feelings is awesome gesture by him, and his words indicating that he will keep trying till all his fans proudly lift their collars and say "I am proud to be a Nandamuri Fan". And his words of Nandamuri Namasamvatsaram is 100% true, with his brother Kalyanram's Pataas emerging as 1st Blockbuster of Telugu Film Industry in 2015. And all the fans are hoping that the trend continues with Temper and Lion.

His confidence and subtle gestures make us feel so proud of him. His words saying that he will satisfy us in Temper , if not in his next film is so great. He need not to give importance to every fan's feeling, but he did, which is a remarkable one and that makes him stand much more taller in our hearts.

I sincerely wish the Temper team to get a blockbuster hit , as did the audio!

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